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Collect Art’s David Hockney Exhibition at ‘The Lost & Found' in Knutsford’...

David Hockney poster for the Collect Art exhibition in Knutsford

Pop art extraordinaire David Hockney is considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20th Century.

We at Collect Art are thrilled to announce that we will be exhibiting some newly acquired Hockney limited edition prints and off-set lithographs in the secret room at the ‘Lost & Found’ restaurant in Knutsford on Saturday 23rd March.

David Hockney 'Dog 43' (Signed off-set lithograph)
David Hockney 'Dog 43' (Signed off-set lithograph)

From 10:30 am we will be welcoming the public to view over 30 pieces from Hockney, including a very special and unique 70th birthday invite that Hockney created, which incorporates a single cigarette, which Hockney himself put at everyone’s place at the table when smoking was allowed.  There is probably not another piece in existence!

David Hockney 'Louisiana' (Signed, off-set lithograph)
David Hockney 'Louisiana' (Signed, off-set lithograph)

In over 25 years of dealing in art, this exhibition is certainly one of the most exciting!

For more information, feel free to contact the gallery.

01925 759 988

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